Monday, August 31, 2009

Sister, Sister by Andrew Neiderman

“Two minds. One body. A novel of terror…

“Terror Times Two
“Like laboratory animals, they have been studied and probed since the day they were born. The scientists refer to them as ‘Duplicitas Anterior’. The general public calls them ‘Siamese twins’. The tabloids label them freaks.
“But to Neil Richards, their new teacher, Alpha and Beta are very special children. Alpha is the dreamer; Beta is the doer. Alpha masters the thoughts; Beta controls movement. When Alpha dictates what’s to be done, Beta is her puppet.
“They are the closest sisters on Earth. No one can come between them. And when they put their minds together no one is safe…”

In 1992 were Siamese twins really this outrageous? The first half of the book relies on you to be completely in awe of these ‘freakish’ girls without giving you much information (and wasn’t it always common knowledge that natural light is a requirement for better health? Seems scientist who are studding the human condition, or pretending to do so, would require “subjects” to have some outdoor activity…even when hiding them from the world, for christ-sakes, prisons do it).

Doubt there is any actually scientific information contained. I feel the exact same story could have been written regarding normal twins, not just Siamese twins. I’m sure there are actually, it’s all quite familiar with Carrie ( and Firestarter (

But after plodding my way through (over half the 292 paged paperback), I’ve finally gotten to some substance…but a “novel of terror”? Kids are scary, kids with “mind control” possibilities, quite a bit scarier…but not used to it’s full potential. And the “mad scientists” lair could have had some many “freakish” possibilities; even a connection with the “subjects” would of made the scenario more disturbing.

The ending is quite predictable, but I did enjoy the short conversation with the schizophrenic child.

Not likely to read again…anyone want?

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Finally Getting off my Lazy Blogging Ass

I doubt anyone checks for updates anymore but...

I have decided to write about something I think about and do everyday...BOOKS...I read them, love them, hate them and will now review them (and oh how this hurts...hate most reviewers).

Well that's the plan, hopefully I'll follow through...

Currently I’m ready a little number I picked up from a “closing down sale” for $2.50…

Sister Sister by Andrew Neiderman…“Two minds. One Body. A novel of terror…”

So far, a slow start…